Solar Window Film & Glass Tint

Save money, reduce heat & glare and prevent damage to floors, furniture & people…

all while keeping your natural light and outside view.

Solar Window Films: Privacy with a Sunny View

Curtains, blinds and other window treatments add privacy at the cost of your outside view. But you can have privacy and solar protection without being left in the dark!

Sun Control solar window film installations filter harmful ultraviolet rays, eliminate glare and reject solar heat. Keep rooms bright with safe sunlight, secure privacy and enjoy a beautiful view.

Ten Reasons to Invest in Solar Window Film from Sun Control

How Solar Window Film Saves Money

We get the extremes of every season in our area and keeping cooling & heating costs low is a challenge. Sun Control’s customized solar window film installations strategically reflect and redirect your property’s solar heat, meaning greater comfort, energy efficiency and savings for you.

Let in the Sun, Not the Heat

Radiant heat is the heat from sunlight radiating into your room and the heat from heat sources trying to escape your room. Heat energy is always on the move, always seeking someplace cooler to establish an equilibrium.

In the summer, the sun’s radiant heat wants to get inside where its colder. The buildup of this heat is called Solar Heat Gain (SHG).

In the winter, the heat inside your room that is generated by heat sources (objects & people) tries to flow outside where’s it’s colder.

Your windows & glass doors offer a perfect route for radiant heat to travel! Energy efficiency goes down; energy bills go up.

DID YOU KNOW...About 30% of a home's heating energy is lost through windows. In cooling seasons, about 76% of sunlight that falls on standard double-pane windows enters to become heat.” -, U.S. Dept. of Energy


Solar Film Installations by Sun Control

Commercial Solar Film Installations by Sun Control